Saturday, October 4, 2008

Good News!

Dad's being moved today sometime to a neurological rehab facility. I was up there this morning and talked to the physical therapist. He did very well yesterday with his session with them, walking 75 feet with only 20% help from one person. That's a significant increase from his 50 feet walk two days ago which required full help from two people.

He's eaten four full meals, and his potassium levels are staying higher but not quite in normal range. They think that will continue to get better as he eats more.

I'll post again later today after I get the details on where they are moving him to.

If you're planning on sending cards please just send them to me at:

Leanne Stovall
c/o Dave Jongeling
5035 Hwy 71 E
Del Valle, TX 78617

I'll make sure he gets them wherever he ends up.


Lara said...

Hi Leanne....that is great news for your Dad...I'm going to send him a card in care of you. Please let me know if Andy or I can help in any way. We are available and are saying special prayers for your Dad.


Jason and Paula said...

Hi Leanne. We are thinking of and praying for your Dad. He has a special place in my heart because he was always so good to Jason. Thank you for taking the time to write all of the news. Jason called Pro-Serve and spoke to Roland who told him that Dave was in the hospital. Hang in there and keep your spirits up. When did you have the baby?! Send us a photo of Piper. Our email address is Tell Rachelle hello for us. We will send a card next week to your address for Dave.
Much love to all of you, including Dick! Jason and Paula