Saturday, October 4, 2008

New Information

I had a crazy day trying to find dads new location. The hospital told me the wrong place so it took a while to finally find him. He is at the Central Texas Rehabilitation Hospital. That is located on the 8th floor of Seton hospital on 38th street.

I got to see him late this evening. He was sleeping when I got there so when he woke up his confusion seemed greater than normal. I want everyone to understand that the move to the Rehab center is because he is stable and eating again. He has no need to be in a "hospital". Also, please understand that the Rehab center is for his physical needs. Not really the mental problems that he is having. The doctors told me today, he may be at his best mentally at this point. There is a chance that as days go by and he continues to eat healthy and not drink, he may become a little more clear headed, but maybe not.
It was explained to me that the effect alcohol has on the brain is with short term memory. He may remember great details to something that happened many years ago, but he won't remember what he had for breakfast. (that very thing happened today) The doctor says another thing to be aware of is that if you or I couldn't remember what we had for breakfast, we would be very concerned or upset about that. Dad doesn't have any emotional attachment to the memory. He could care less that he can't tell you something like that. If fact what he does instead is make up some information. Like filling in the blanks and he doesn't really even know he is doing it. I am seeing this sort of thing with him at almost every visit. If you all speak to him, please listen politely but take everything lightly. You just never know what is real and what isn't. I find he takes part of the truth and then extends it with is own new information.

Maybe some of you have noticed over the last few years that his motor skills seemed to be off. He trips and waves with the wind a bit. Well, that was all the neurological damage happening.
The Rehab center is focusing on teaching him how to manage his life with his loss in motor function. After a few days at the center, they will let us know if they feel he needs to have assisted living or if there is a chance he would be safe to live on his own.

That is all I can think of for now.

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